

天津旺达文博展具有限公司(旺达展柜有限公司) ,专业博物馆展柜与文物柜设计、生产、供应商,位于天津静海经济开发区,占地面积超过15000平方米,其前身为天津市旺达图书设备有限公司(成立于1997年),在原有基础上增资扩建而成,注册资金1000万元,是集博物馆展柜与文物柜研发、设计、生产、制造、安装、售后服务于一体的现代化企业。


公司作为英国博物馆协会会员、英国博物馆协会国际会员、美国博物馆协会会员、中国博物馆协会会员、北京博物馆学会理事、中国家具协会会员、天津市家具协会理事和中国质量检验协会会员,长年活跃在博物馆展柜行业第一线,一向重视产品的品质和企业的形象;公司全体同仁本着“制造高品质的产品、务实诚信、顾客满意”的企业精神服务于社会,并获得社会各界的认可和赞誉。 我们认为:“只有良好管理才有高品质的产品,只有掌握先进的技术才能制造出符合时代要求的精品。”



All high-end museum display cases for Chung Tai World Museum were finished and delivered

Custom-built for Chung Tai World Museum,the fabrication work for all the high-end museum grade display cases which meet the most critical international criterias were completed punctually with no delay and demountably packaged and shipped out for sea shipment to the museum site.Our installation workers will then arrive there for installation work on site.

Wangda Showcases won the largest tender lot of display cases project for renovated Changsha Municipal museum

Wangda Showcases won the largest tender lot of display cases project for renovated Changsha Municipal museum which is going to display invaluable historical objects related to Mao Zedong,the China founding chairman.The museum will reveal numerous authentic work of poetry and calligraphy by Mao Zedong during his revolution period and also new China period.
WANGDA SHOWCASES WON THE TENDER OF MUSEUM DISPLAY CASES PROJECT FOR RU KLINS PORCELAIN MUSEUM which has much strict and critical standards for anti-bandit safety,air-tightness,anti-explosion performance and also conservational lighting system within museum display cases.

Like Ding ware, Ru ware was produced in North China for imperial use.The Ru kilns were near the Northern Song capital at Kaifeng. In similar fashion toLongquan celadons, Ru pieces have small amounts of iron oxide in their glaze thatoxidize and turn greenish when fired in a reducing atmosphere. Ru wares range in colour from nearly white to a deep robin's egg and often are covered with reddish-brown crackles. The crackles, or "crazing", are caused when the glaze cools and contracts faster than the body, thus having to stretch and ultimately to split. The art historian James Watt comments that the Song dynasty was the first period that viewed crazing as a merit rather than a defect. Moreover, as time went on, the bodies got thinner and thinner, while glazes got thicker, until by the end of the Southern Song the 'green-glaze' was thicker than the body, making it extremely 'fleshy' rather than 'bony,' to use the traditional analogy (see section on Guan ware, below). Too, the glaze tends to drip and pool slightly, leaving it thinner at the top, where the clay peeps through.

Ru Ware Bowl Stand, detail of crazing; V&A FE.1-1970

As with Ding ware, the Song imperial court lost access to the Ru kilns after it fled Kaifeng when the Jurchen-led Jin dynasty conquered northern China, and settled atLin'an (present-day Hangzhou) in the south. There, the Emperor Gaozong founded theGuan yao ('official kilns') right outside the new capital in order to produce imitations of Ru ware.However, posterity has remembered Ru ware as something unmatched by later attempts; Master Gao says, "Compared with Guan yao, the above were of finer substance and more brilliant luster."